Can TMD Go Away Without Treatment? The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the jaw to the skull at the temporal lobe. When you chew, speak, or... Posted: December 15, 2023 By:
Common Symptoms of TMD Are you having jaw pain that seems to never go away? You may have heard of TMD or TMJ... Posted: June 15, 2023 By:
How To Address the Symptoms of TMJ/TMD At the practice of Dr. Ania Mohelicki, new and current patients of her Boulder, CO, area office will find... Posted: February 14, 2023 By:
How TMJ issues can impact your smile health Your temporomandibular joints, or TMJ, are the hinges that connect your jaw to your skull. If you have pain... Posted: October 15, 2022 By:
Understanding TMJ/TMD TMD is a condition that can chronically affect a patient their entire life. It can develop and become a... Posted: June 15, 2022 By: henley.tabal
What is TMJ and how does it impact my smile? Many general dentists such as Dr. Ania Mohelicki of Boulder, Colorado work with patients who have questions about a... Posted: February 14, 2022 By: henley.tabal
At-home and professional TMJ disorder treatment options for Boulder, Colorado area patients Dr. Ania Mohelicki of Boulder, Colorado is a dental professional in the community that works with patients who are... Posted: May 15, 2021 By: wpengine
TMJ Disorders: Why Your Jaw Could be Causing Your Headaches Headaches, jaw joint pain or noise, limited mouth-opening, ear congestion, dizziness, clenching or grinding, neck pain, teeth sensitivity or... Posted: May 12, 2021 By: Comment: 0