Same Day Crowns

Dental Crowns Boulder CO

Same day crowns are perfect for anyone who wants a beautiful smile but whose time is at a premium. Crowns are a great way to improve the appearance of your teeth and preserve tooth enamel, but the traditional methods of making crowns is time consuming. Fortunately, advanced technology now allows a handful of specially trained dentists to take digital impressions of the patients’ mouths and create the perfect crown right there, at the dentist’s office. Dr. Ania is one of the few dentists in Boulder to offer the cutting edge service.

Dental Crowns

If you’ve got a tooth that has been seriously weakened or damaged, a strong dental crown is a highly effective and attractive cosmetic dentistry solution. A crown, also called a “cap,” serves as protective armor for a tooth and allows you to use full biting force without worry.

Whether a crown is needed on your front tooth or your molar, our ceramic crowns won’t show that unappealing dark band at the gum line. Placed properly, ceramic crowns can match the appearance of your teeth very closely for a very natural result.

You may need a ceramic crown if you have a tooth that has been affected by breakage or fractures, cracks, large cavities, or outdated fillings that require replacement. Our dental crowns are handcrafted in our lab with state-of-the- art metal-free ceramic materials. We currently offer Empress® and IPS e.max® crowns for incomparable strength and beauty.

Who Is a Good Candidate for the Same Day Crowns Procedure?

Same-day dental crown treatment may be suitable for the vast majority of patients needing more comprehensive tooth restoration. Crowns are routinely made to fortify teeth that have been badly affected by decay, have been chipped or fractured, or have been treated with root canal therapy. In most of these situations, patients may select a same-day crown made right in the office. The dentist may recommend standard dental crown treatment for certain conditions, such as damage to a tooth near the front of the mouth. Teeth that can be seen in the smile may benefit from a lab-made crown that is crafted with more nuanced coloring and transparency. Lab-made crowns may also be more suitable for restoration that requires some type of buildup to address any damage that has occurred below the gum line.

What Are the Advantages of Same-Day Dental Crowns?

The primary advantage of same-day crown treatment is that there is no need to come back for a subsequent visit. Normally, dental crowns require two trips to the dentist’s office. The first involves preparing the tooth by reducing it to accommodate the dental crown. An impression is made of the tooth (using putty) and is sent to the dental lab as a model. The patient is sent home wearing a temporary crown. Because this crown will be removed in the following visit, there is a chance that it may come loose or fall off before it should. This can usually be addressed by purchasing dental adhesive or dental cement at a local pharmacy, cleaning the temporary crown, applying the cement, and putting it back into place. Some patients bring their temporary into the office to have it replaced. Though fixable, the loss of the temporary crown can be a hassle. This can be avoided by making and seating a brand new crown during the same visit in which we prepare the tooth.

In addition to the convenience of same-day treatment, the crowns that are made in the dental office are extremely accurate in their fit. This is because, rather than using a putty-like substance, the dental impressions we use are digital. A precise model of the tooth is made using a small camera that fits into the mouth and takes several pictures at different angles of the tooth. These images are processed in a sophisticated software system that transfers a lifelike model of the tooth to the milling machine. All of this takes place in about an hour, during which the patient can read, watch a show, or answer emails. The final crown, ready in a short time, is bonded to the tooth and the patient leaves the office with their smile beautifully intact. The crown blends perfectly with surrounding teeth. Dr. Ania’s experience and commitment join to give patients smiles that exude confidence and beauty.

How Long do Same-Day Crowns Last?

Crowns that are made using CAD/CAM technology are known to last 10 to 15 years. With good care, however, these crowns are known to last more than 20 years. The accuracy of imaging and milling, along with high-quality dental ceramic, contribute to a long lifespan for these crowns.

How Should I Care for My Dental Crowns?

Crowns are very durable but also benefit from a little bit of extra TLC. When taking care of your crowns, it may help to recognize that they are not held in place in the same way natural teeth are. Rather than being tethered to the jawbone by roots, dental crowns are stabilized with dental bonding. They are bonded to the tooth, while the tooth is tethered by roots (with the exception of root canal treatment). To ensure that a crown remains stable and intact for as long as possible, patients should do the following:

  • Brush and floss daily as recommended by the dentist. It is important to take care of the gumline where the crown ends. Here, bacteria may cause inflammation or infection that allows decay to develop under the crown. Your dentist or hygienist can help you learn how to brush and floss directly around your crowns.
  • Avoid using teeth as tools. It is necessary to avoid chewing on hard objects or opening pen caps or other items using the teeth.
  • Avoid eating chewy foods. Where you have a crown, it may be beneficial to avoid chewing on very sticky foods like taffy or caramel. This prevents too much pulling and twisting that can degrade the bond between the crown and the tooth.
  • If you grind or clench your teeth, have your dentist make a custom-fit mouthguard and wear it nightly. This can prevent excessive force and pressure that can damage crowns and the gums.
  • See your dentist regularly for exams and cleanings. During these visits, the dentist carefully checks natural teeth as well as all of your restorations for structural integrity.

Dental Crown Recovery Process

It is common for patients to experience mild to moderate sensitivity, tenderness, and soreness for at least a few days after getting a dental crown. This is equally true of same-day crowns as it is in the standard crown process. During the first 24 hours after the crown is placed, patients should avoid chewing directly on the crown. It can be helpful to eat soft foods until these side effects resolve. To maintain comfort, patients may take a suitable over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen as directed. Usually, sensation is completely back to normal within a few days. If minor sensitivity persists, a sensitive-teeth toothpaste may be used.

Are Dental Crowns Covered by Insurance?

Same-day dental crowns are often covered to the same extent as any ceramic crown is. Because every person’s dental coverage may vary based on their plan, it is advisable to contact your insurance company directly for a full explanation of your available benefits.