How To Renew Your Smile For Spring

 cosmetic dentistry Spring will be here before you know it. Why not brighten up your smile for the new season? Cosmetic dentistry can help you improve your confidence and help you embrace the new season with vigor.

Here are just a few ways you can have a dazzling smile that turns heads and puts the flowers to shame when spring arrives.

How To Renew Your Smile For Spring

  • Teeth Whitening — Talk to your dentist about professional teeth whitening procedures that can be done in their office or about prescription whitening kits they can prescribe for you to use at home. There are also over-the-counter teeth whitening products from stores, but they won’t be as quick and effective as your dentist can provide.
  • Home Remedies — Old-fashioned teeth whitening methods can be surprisingly effective over time. Sprinkle some baking soda on your wet toothbrush and brush gently to help scour away darkened built-up plaque. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural whitening agent that when mixed with water and swished around in the mouth for two minutes will bring results.
  • Porcelain Veneers — Dental veneers are custom-made shells that your dentist can apply to your teeth to correct crooked, worn, misshapen, chipped, and stained teeth and even gaps between your teeth. Porcelain veneers look completely natural and will last for many years.
  • Avoid Tooth-Staining Substances — Some types of food and drinks can stain your teeth with repeated exposure. These include coffee, tea, dark wines, and dark-colored vegetables and fruits. If you do drink these things, you should use a straw to bypass your teeth as much as possible. Smoking will also darken your teeth and should be avoided.
  • Eat Crunchy Foods — Although you should avoid dark-colored varieties, crunchy, chewy veggies, and fruits will help to remove stains and keep your teeth clean.
  • Invisalign® — If you need to wear braces and you dread having to smile because of them, the Invisalign system could be the solution for you. Invisalign straightens your teeth slowly and painlessly without all the wires and brackets of traditional braces, and best of all, they’re virtually impossible to detect. Ask your dentist if Invisalign is right for you.

For more information about brightening your smile this spring, contact the office of Dr. Ania Mohelicki in Boulder, CO, at (303) 443-0998. An esteemed dentist and member of organizations like the American Dental Association (ADA), Colorado Dental Association (CDA), the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and more, she provides her patients with the highest level of care and unmatched attention to detail when renewing their beautiful smiles.

Please complete our online form to request an appointment.


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