Can You Heal Bleeding Gums at Home?

Posted: April 16, 2020 By: Comment: 0

Are your gums tender and sore? Do they bleed after you floss or brush? This can be a symptom of gum disease, which is better to prevent rather than treat. However, if you do have mild bleeding, there are some at-home remedies to help bring the inflammation down and get the bleeding to stop. If you’re wanting to try and work on your bleeding gums at home, try these tips.

Why Do Gums Bleed?

Bleeding gums can be scary and painful, so if you have bleeding gums it’s important to know what’s causing them. There can be several different causes of bleeding gums. WebMD lists the common causes of bleeding gums to be: 

  • Gingivitis: this is a common form of gum disease that causes inflammation of the gums. Gingivitis happens when there is plaque buildup on the teeth that isn’t properly cleaned. In most cases, gingivitis is mild, but it can progress if not treated early. If gum disease progresses too far, it can be hard to stop, causing infection, loose teeth, and other health problems. 
  • Brushing too hard: if you’re using too much force, or bristles that are too hard, it can cause your gums to bleed. Though you’re removing bacteria located near the gum line, it’s important to not brush too hard near your gums. Your gums are a soft tissue and can be damaged easily, so it’s best to practice gentle dental hygiene near the gums. 
  • New to flossing: like we mentioned with brushing too hard, the gums can be sensitive and easily damaged. If it’s been a while since you’ve flossed, it can irritate the gums. However, as long as you’re flossing gently, the bleeding should subside once your gums get used to the cleaning technique. 
  • Medications: certain medications like seizure medicines and other immunosuppressants can cause gum sensitivity. Due to this, the gums are more likely to bleed and become red and swollen. 
  • Pregnancy: a common side effect of pregnancy is swollen and tender gums. This is due to hormonal changes, which makes the gums more susceptible to infection and gum disease.  
  • Dentures: like natural teeth, plaque can buildup on dentures which can cause gum disease if not cleaned properly. Additionally, ill-fitting dentures can also cause sore and bleeding gums. 

Treating Bleeding Gums at Home

If you have mildly bleeding gums and would like to treat them at home, follow these tips from Medical News Today:

  • Try and haul the bleeding by using gauze. It works the same way as it does when you apply gauze to a scraped knee or other body part. If you need to stop the bleeding, they recommend holding a clean, damp gauze to the affected part of the gum. 
  • Use cold therapy. Applying ice or a cold compress against swollen gums can help inflammation go down. If you try this, put the ice on the swollen area for 10 minutes, and then leave off for at least 10 minutes. Repeat as needed. 
  • Consider using antibacterial mouthwashes. These mouthwashes not only help treat bleeding gums, but it can also prevent it from happening again. The mouthwash works by killing bacteria to help bring the swelling down. 
  • Try a salt water rinse. Salt water helps remove bacteria from the mouth, which can increase healing time. They recommend making your own salt water rinse, and using it several times a day. If you want to make your own rinse, add about half a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm, not hot, water. 
  • Incorporate turmeric in your routine. Known for its antibacterial effects, turmeric can help improve bleeding gums. This holistic approach involves making turmeric paste and applying it to the gums. Be sure to rinse well after though, to prevent it from staining your teeth. 
  • Focus on your dental hygiene. While you’re brushing your teeth each day, make sure that you’re using the right toothbrush. Be sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush gently near the gumline. 
  • Floss each day. Flossing is an important part of your dental routine. Gently floss each day. It’s normal to see bleeding when you first start this, however, if you keep this up in your routine the bleeding should stop in a few days. 
  • Don’t smoke. Smoking is one of the leading causes of gum disease. Not only can it affect your mouth, but smoking also harms your immune system, which makes it harder for your body to fight plaque and bacteria on the gums. 
  • Try oil pulling. Oil pulling involves using coconut oil. You put the oil in your mouth and swish for up to 20 minutes before spitting it out. This can improve your gums, but it can also offer teeth whitening benefits. 
  • Reduce your sugar intake. Sugar and processed foods can cause gum disease, which is why it’s important to limit your intake. Instead, try adding more crunchy veggies into your diet. Vegetables like celery and carrots can help keep your teeth clean. Additionally, also try eating more leafy greens, which are a great way to add more nutrients into your diet. 

Make an Appointment with Dr. Ania

If you try these at-home remedies but find that you still have bleeding gums, make an appointment with Dr. Ania. She will help diagnose the cause of the bleeding and develop a treatment plan that will help get your mouth back to normal again. Call today: (303)-872-9940 to contact our office. 




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