Restore Your Smile with a Dental Implant

Have missing teeth? If so, you’re not alone. Studies have found that more than 178 million Americans are missing one or more tooth. Up to 35 million Americans don’t have any teeth at all. If you are missing one or more tooth, what can you do? Invest in dental implants! Dental implants are a restorative dentistry option that allows you to replace your missing teeth with customized teeth that look and feel real. In many cases, these implants are actually stronger than your natural teeth. The benefits of dental implants are far-reaching as well. You will be able to add functionality back to your smile with a tooth that’s present and works. You will also help strengthen the area of the gums where your tooth was lost and prevent other teeth from becoming weak (as can happen when a tooth is missing). Learn more about what Dr. Ania can do to restore your smile today!
The Effects of Missing Teeth
The American Academy of Implant Dentistry reports that more than 35 million Americans are missing all their teeth in one or both of their jaws. That’s 35 million Americans with extreme cases of tooth loss. An estimated 178 million Americans are missing one or more teeth in the mouth. Missing one or more tooth is fairly common, but it is not something that you have to live with. A missing tooth can make quite the impact on your smile and on your oral health. It can affect the way you speak and could cause you to have a lisp or other speech impediment. A missing tooth can also weaken the strength of your jaw in the area where the tooth was lost. This can cause other teeth to weaken and loosen up.
Gum Disease
Teeth fall out due to sports injuries, accidents, and problems such as periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is also known as gum disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control, an estimated 64.7 million American adults have gum disease. That’s roughly 47% of all American adults, or almost 1 in 2 adults. 8.7% of those adults have mild periodontitis in the form of gingivitis. This is a treatable and reversible form of gum disease where the gums begin to become red, inflamed, and bleed easily when flossing. With proper oral health habits and dental care, gingivitis can be corrected.
30% of American adults have moderate periodontitis, which is the stage between gingivitis and severe gum disease. This group is at great risk for losing their teeth if proper oral health habits aren’t established and followed. The final group that falls under severe periodontitis consists of 8.5% of American adults. With severe periodontitis, the gums recede from the teeth and those teeth begin to fall out. Once one tooth falls out, it becomes easier for the surrounding teeth to fall out, as the jawbone starts to weaken. One of the best ways to avoid tooth loss is to keep up on proper oral health practices. These include brushing and flossing your teeth several times a day and seeing your dentist often.
Dental Implants: What Are They?
If you lose a tooth due to periodontal disease, it is possible to receive a dental implant. However, your gums and jawbone have to be strong enough to receive this treatment. What is a dental implant though? Dental implants are a form of restorative dentistry that allow our patients to replace their missing teeth. A dental implant will take the place of a tooth that is missing. During this procedure, we install a metal post into the jawbone and allow the post to heal. We will custom-make a tooth for you that blends with the rest of your smile. Once the metal post has securely healed in your jaw, we will install your new tooth into the post. Once installed, your dental implant will look, feel and perform like a natural tooth. In some cases, your dental implant may even be much stronger than your natural teeth. With proper care, your implant can last 10-20 years.
A Great Option
A dental implant is one of the most effective and long-lasting solutions to replace one or more missing teeth. Unlike a bridge, a dental implant can stand strong on its own. It needs no other tooth to keep it strong and in place. When it comes to gum disease, a dental implant is a great option to rehabilitate your mouth. You can even add an implant or two to a set of dentures if you want to improve the comfort of your dentures.
Restore Your Smile with a Dental Implant
Having a full set of teeth with help make your smile strong and sturdy. Keeping that smile healthy through proper oral hygiene practices will ensure that you keep the teeth you have and the implants you receive. You don’t have to live without teeth or the damaging effects a missing tooth can do to your smile. If you are missing one or more teeth, call Dr. Ania’s office at 303-443-0998 today!