What To Know Now About Oral Cancer

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. Contrary to what many people believe, oral cancer is not one singular kind of cancer. Instead, oral cancer refers to any of the cancers that develop on your lips, cheeks, mouth, sinuses, or throat. Like most other cancers, your cells mutate and fail to follow their instructions; instead, they grow and divide uncontrollably. Also, as with most cancers, the exact causes are unknown, some significant risk factors have been identified, and early detection is crucial to successful treatment.

4 Biggest Risk Factors for Developing Oral Cancer

The four most significant risk factors that increase your risk of oral cancer are:

  1. Tobacco Use: Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and chewing tobacco all significantly increase the risk of oral cancer.
  2. Heavy Alcohol Use: While an occasional drink is insignificant, heavy alcohol consumption is another major oral cancer risk factor.
  3. HPV: Certain types of the human papillomavirus (HPV) increase the risk of oral cancer.
  4. Sun Exposure: Regular exposure to sunlight, especially on your lips, can increase oral cancer risk.

Early Signs of Oral Cancer

What signs should you be looking out for? A few early signs that you should be checked out include:

  • Sores on your lips or mouth that don’t heal after two weeks
  • Bleeding in your mouth that you can’t explain
  • Numbness or pain inside your mouth or on your tongue
  • A lump or thickening in your cheek
  • White or red patches inside your mouth, on your gums, tongue, or tonsils
  • A persistent feeling like you’ve got something caught in your throat

Because time is of the essence in cancer treatment, do not delay getting examined if you notice any of these symptoms. Additionally, having dental exams twice a year is a good way to screen for early signs of oral cancer. Your dentist can examine your face and mouth for any symptoms and recommend further evaluation if they feel it is warranted.

Oral Cancer Treatments

Every cancer has its own treatment plan, depending on the patient’s stage, size, location, and health. With oral cancers, the typical treatments include removing the cancerous cells, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

Oral Cancer Prevention

You can reduce your risks by avoiding tobacco products, reducing alcohol consumption, protecting your lips, and avoiding HPV infection through vaccination. Furthermore, you should learn about oral cancer and its various forms to better understand how it may develop or appear. Knowing your own individual risk factors is an important step toward prevention.

Additional Resources

Schedule a Dental Wellness Visit to Screen for Oral Cancer and Other Issues

Dr. Ania Mohelicki is passionate about promoting well-being in every aspect of her practice. You can contact our office in Boulder, CO, at 303-443-0998 or contact us here to schedule an appointment.

As a member of the American Dental Association (ADA), Academy of General Dentistry, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology ( IAOMT ), and several other prestigious organizations, Dr. Mohelicki is a highly experienced professional who can help you prioritize your oral health with a personalized treatment plan.

How To Renew Your Smile For Spring

 cosmetic dentistry Spring will be here before you know it. Why not brighten up your smile for the new season? Cosmetic dentistry can help you improve your confidence and help you embrace the new season with vigor.

Here are just a few ways you can have a dazzling smile that turns heads and puts the flowers to shame when spring arrives.

How To Renew Your Smile For Spring

  • Teeth Whitening — Talk to your dentist about professional teeth whitening procedures that can be done in their office or about prescription whitening kits they can prescribe for you to use at home. There are also over-the-counter teeth whitening products from stores, but they won’t be as quick and effective as your dentist can provide.
  • Home Remedies — Old-fashioned teeth whitening methods can be surprisingly effective over time. Sprinkle some baking soda on your wet toothbrush and brush gently to help scour away darkened built-up plaque. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural whitening agent that when mixed with water and swished around in the mouth for two minutes will bring results.
  • Porcelain Veneers — Dental veneers are custom-made shells that your dentist can apply to your teeth to correct crooked, worn, misshapen, chipped, and stained teeth and even gaps between your teeth. Porcelain veneers look completely natural and will last for many years.
  • Avoid Tooth-Staining Substances — Some types of food and drinks can stain your teeth with repeated exposure. These include coffee, tea, dark wines, and dark-colored vegetables and fruits. If you do drink these things, you should use a straw to bypass your teeth as much as possible. Smoking will also darken your teeth and should be avoided.
  • Eat Crunchy Foods — Although you should avoid dark-colored varieties, crunchy, chewy veggies, and fruits will help to remove stains and keep your teeth clean.
  • Invisalign® — If you need to wear braces and you dread having to smile because of them, the Invisalign system could be the solution for you. Invisalign straightens your teeth slowly and painlessly without all the wires and brackets of traditional braces, and best of all, they’re virtually impossible to detect. Ask your dentist if Invisalign is right for you.

For more information about brightening your smile this spring, contact the office of Dr. Ania Mohelicki in Boulder, CO, at (303) 443-0998. An esteemed dentist and member of organizations like the American Dental Association (ADA), Colorado Dental Association (CDA), the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and more, she provides her patients with the highest level of care and unmatched attention to detail when renewing their beautiful smiles.

Please complete our online form to request an appointment.

The Connection Between Oral Health and Mental Wellbeing

The Connection Between Oral Health and Mental WellbeingAt first glance, you might not think there is a connection between your oral health and mental health. However, your oral health can significantly impact your emotions and expressiveness. By investing in proper dental care, patients can enhance not only their smiles but their entire mental outlook.

At our practice, Dr. Ania Mohelicki combines the art and science of general and cosmetic dentistry to help patients live happier, healthier lives.

How Your Oral Health Can Affect Your Mental Health

Poor teeth alignment, chronic bad breath, and tooth loss are examples of oral health conditions that can affect people emotionally. It’s not uncommon for people with cosmetic dental issues to become self-conscious about their smile, even going so far as to avoid interacting with others to avoid fear of judgment.

Dental issues can also impact speech and one’s ability to chew. In turn, they may be less likely to engage with others, avoid eating in social settings, and become more withdrawn to mask their struggles.

Patients who live with chronic pain from oral health problems can also develop symptoms of depression and even insomnia. This can have a domino effect on their productivity levels, relationships, and self-esteem.

The American Psychiatric Association investigated the connection between oral and mental health and found that mental illness can lead to oral health problems. On the other hand, poor oral health can further contribute to depression and anxiety in some patients.

Can Dental Treatment Improve Your Psychological Well-being?

If you struggle with self-consciousness over your smile, then cosmetic dentistry could potentially help you feel more confident in your appearance. For patients whose dental issues have led to ongoing physical pain or challenges with speech and eating, as well as facial asymmetry or jaw collapse, dental care could help not only restore function but your smile as well.

Many patients dealing with depression and anxiety stemming from oral health conditions tend to find their mental health improves with the proper treatment.

A Holistic Approach to Oral Health

By working with a dentist who recognizes the connection between your oral health and well-being, you can experience greater benefits from any treatment you receive. Dr. Mohelicki is passionate about helping every patient achieve their greatest health through the highest quality of dental care.

An associate of multiple prestigious dental organizations, her commitment to improving her practice ensures her patients always receive the greatest care.

Please contact us today or call 303-872-9940 to request a consultation today.

Smile by Science: The Benefits of Laser Dental Cleanings

laser dental cleaningsLaser dentistry has created miraculous opportunities when it comes to improving your oral health. Dr. Ania Mohelicki harnesses the power of diode laser energy to deliver unparalleled laser dental cleanings that can boost protection in healthy patients and provide more comprehensive treatment for periodontal disease.

Read on to discover how lasers are unlocking new potential when it comes to enhancing patients’ oral hygiene.

Laser Energy Eliminates Bacteria on a Deeper Level

A soft-tissue laser uses pulses of energy to both clean healthy tissue and eliminate disease. Healthy patients can ward off infection, tooth decay, and gum inflammation by undergoing a laser-assisted dental cleaning.

For patients with periodontal disease, the two-fold benefits of laser dental cleanings promote deeper healing and rejuvenation.

No matter how well you care for your teeth, the average mouth has over 700 species of microbes and houses millions of bacteria. While not all of these bacteria are harmful, the ones that are need to be continually removed to prevent cavities and gum disease.

How Lasers Improve Dental Hygiene

The beauty of laser dental cleaning lies in a process called “delayed recolonization,” which means bacteria eliminated from the mouth stay absent for a longer period of time than they do after a regular cleaning. Because of this, the gum tissue has more time to heal and strengthen.

Laser dentistry deep cleans the gingival pockets and removes damaged tissue through laser-assisted periodontal therapy. It can also sterilize tooth roots and even be used in teeth whitening and reshaping treatments, among other procedures.

Patients looking to improve their oral health with the latest dental technology will likely find that laser dental cleanings are the perfect option. Furthermore, those with periodontal disease may also qualify for deep cleaning to aid in their gum restoration.

Learn More About Laser Dentistry

Contact our office in Boulder, CO, to learn more about laser dental cleanings and other services available. Dr. Ania Mohelicki is a compassionate and caring family and cosmetic dentist who prides herself on delivering the highest quality care to every patient. Through ongoing training, she ensures her patients always have access to state-of-the-art technology and the most effective dental treatments.

If you have any questions, please call us at 303-872-9940.


Can TMD Go Away Without Treatment?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the jaw to the skull at the temporal lobe. When you chew, speak, or open your mouth, you use your TMJ. Since it plays such an important role in your normal functioning, it’s noticeable when it begins to hurt.

Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) describe the group of conditions that involve the dysfunction of the TMJ, leading to symptoms such as headaches and migraines, jaw pain, and difficulty chewing and speaking.

While treatment options are available for TMD, you may wonder if your symptoms will go away on their own. If so, keep reading to find out.

Can TMD Symptoms Resolve on Their Own?

If you’re experiencing TMD, it may resolve on its own, but it is largely dependent on the causes of your TMD and your symptoms.

The exact reason TMD begins is not always clear. Some common causes include stress, eating habits, misaligned bite, and bruxism (teeth grinding), which can cause your TMD to flare up.

If, for example, you’re experiencing TMD due to stress, your symptoms may reduce as stressors are removed from your life. However, should you become stressed again, it may cause your TMD to return.

Furthermore, in cases where a misaligned bite or bruxism worsens your TMD, your symptoms may not improve until you address the underlying condition.

In general, it’s best to receive treatment for your TMD, even if the symptoms may come and go. There is no guarantee that it will not return unless you address the root cause and are treated for your condition.

TMD Treatment in Boulder, CO

TMD treatment focuses on treating the root cause. In many cases, the root cause can be traced back to a misalignment of the teeth, which can affect the joint’s functioning, leading to pain and discomfort. When you visit Dr. Ania Mohelicki, she can provide you with treatment options to correct malocclusions. As your bite improves, you may notice your symptoms reducing.

Another option is a mouthguard. Some patients experience TMD because they grind their teeth while they sleep, causing pain in their TMJ. A customized mouthguard can protect your teeth while keeping you comfortable.

To learn more about your TMD treatment options in Boulder, CO, contact the office of Dr. Ania at 303-872-9940.

Gum health

You May Be Surprised How Your Gums Affect Your Health

When you think about oral health, teeth likely spring to mind. But what about your gums? These are so much more than just the tissue supporting your teeth. They are vital to your oral health and overall wellbeing. In fact, gum health supports your entire immune system!

The benefits of periodontal care can’t be understated; at Dr. Ania Mohelicki’s practice, each patient’s total health and wellness are placed at the center of their care. As you explore your own oral health, consider the surprising ways that gums can affect your health.

Gums Protect You From Bacteria

The gums are a protective tissue that prevent bacteria from entering your bloodstream; without them, bacteria in both your mouth and that you ingest would be able to easily reach your blood vessels, tissues, and internal organs.

By nourishing your gums through proper dental hygiene and routine cleanings, you can avoid putting your health at risk.

Periodontal Disease Can Affect Your Heart

Research has found that people who have periodontal disease are also at an increased risk of developing hardened arteries. These are the pathways in the heart that pump blood in and out of the chambers, allowing nutrients and oxygen to reach all your muscles, tissues, cells, and organs.

When fat and cholesterol builds up in the arteries, it can harden and cause blockages that obstruct blood flow. This makes the passageway narrower, preventing blood from entering or exiting the heart properly.

By taking good care of your gum health, you can lower your risk of heart disease. This is especially important if you carry other risk factors, like a family history of cardiovascular conditions or smoking.

Give Your Gums the Best With Dr. Ania

Dr. Ania Mohelicki is dedicated to offering the best dental care to every patient at her practice.

She has been practicing since 1994 and belongs to multiple esteemed organizations, including the American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, and the International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology.

With Dr. Ania, you can enjoy an incredibly relaxing dental experience that includes warm hand towels, moving watching, and music. To schedule an appointment for you or your child, please contact the office in Bounder, CO, at 303-872-9940.

Porcelain veneers

The Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers offer a range of benefits that have made them a popular cosmetic dental treatment for individuals looking to enhance the appearance of their teeth. These thin, custom-made shells of porcelain are designed to cover the front surface of teeth and provide a natural and aesthetically pleasing result.

Improved Aesthetics

One of the benefits of porcelain veneers is their ability to change the appearance of your smile. They can effectively correct various cosmetic issues such as discolored, stained, or yellowed teeth. Veneers can also address gaps between teeth, minor misalignments, and uneven or worn tooth surfaces, resulting in a more symmetrical and attractive smile.

Natural Appearance

Porcelain veneers are renowned for their natural-looking appearance. The material used closely resembles the translucency and texture of natural tooth enamel. This ensures that when the veneers are properly designed and applied by a skilled dentist, they blend seamlessly with your existing teeth, making it difficult for others to distinguish between veneered and natural teeth.

Stain Resistance

Porcelain is resistant to stains and discoloration. Unlike natural teeth, which can become discolored over time due to factors like coffee, tea, and smoking, porcelain veneers maintain their brightness and whiteness for many years. This stain-resistant quality allows you to enjoy a long-lasting, vibrant smile.

Minimally Invasive

Compared to some other dental treatments, the application of porcelain veneers is relatively minimally invasive. The process typically involves minimal removal of tooth enamel, preserving the majority of your natural tooth structure. This means less discomfort and a quicker recovery time for patients.


Porcelain veneers are remarkably durable and can last for many years with proper care. They are resistant to chipping and cracking, making them a long-term solution for improving your smile. Routine dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices can help extend the lifespan of your veneers.

Make an Appointment Today

Porcelain veneers offer many benefits that make them a great option if you’re looking to enhance the appearance of your teeth. Porcelain veneers have become a popular choice for achieving a radiant and confident smile. If veneers are something you’re thinking about, contact the office of Ania Mohelicki, DDS, located in Boulder, CO. Call 303-872-9940 to make an appointment today.

How the MicrO2™ Can Treat Your Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Treatment in Colorado 
Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder with various negative effects if left untreated, including increased risk of stroke to potentially fatal outcomes.

If you’ve been recently diagnosed or if you’ve been suffering from excessive fatigue, regardless of how much sleep you get, it’s time to address your obstructive sleep apnea. Here’s what you need to know about the MicrO2™ and how it can help you.

Do You Need Surgery To Treat Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is caused by an obstruction somewhere along your airway passages. Because of the many ways your airways may be obstructed, there are several surgeries you may undergo, from nasal surgeries that remove or shrink the blockages to an uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, which removes part of the palate, tonsils, and uvula.

However, surgery can have complications and variable degrees of success. Studies show a range of surgical success with sleep apnea, ranging from around 50 percent to 83 percent, depending on the surgery and the area of focus.

When it comes to sleep apnea, surgery is not the typical first option. Usually, non-surgical interventions are.

The Non-Surgical Sleep Apnea Treatment: MicrO2

Some obstructions that lead to sleep apnea are caused by your tongue and throat tissues collapsing into your airways. The MicrO2 is custom designed to fit your mouth, offering personalized precision that prevents obstruction and keeps you breathing clearly and sleeping soundly.

Treat Sleep Apnea in Boulder, CO

Sleep apnea can have disastrous effects on your life and health. Don’t delay in finding treatment. Working with a dedicated dentist and oral health team is the ideal way to ensure positive results.

Dr. Ania Mohelicki has been dedicated to serving the people of Boulder, CO, and surrounding areas and bringing them a comfortable, results-driven dental and oral healthcare experience.

Working with Dr. Mohelicki gives you access to impeccable expertise and ability. Dr. Mohelicki is part of numerous organizations, such as the American Dental Association, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology.

Allow Dr. Ania Mohelicki and her team to help treat your sleep apnea. Call 303-872-9940 to schedule an appointment today.

When Is the Best Time To Get Dental Implants?

Dental implantsTiming is a critical factor when considering dental implants. While the ideal time can vary depending on individual circumstances, there are some general guidelines to help determine the best time for getting dental implants:

Dental Health

It is essential to have good oral health before undergoing dental implant surgery. Any existing dental issues, such as cavities or gum disease, should be addressed and treated beforehand to ensure a successful implant procedure.

Bone Density

Sufficient bone density in the jaw is crucial for the success of dental implants. If a patient lacks enough bone in the jaw, a bone graft may be necessary before implant placement, which could add time to the overall treatment process.

Healing Time

Dental implant surgery involves a healing period during which the implants integrate with the jawbone (osseointegration). This process usually takes a few months, and it is important to consider this timeframe when planning for dental implants.

Personal Health

Patients with certain medical conditions or undergoing treatments that affect the immune system or bone health may need to postpone dental implant surgery until they are in better health.


Age itself is not a determining factor for dental implants, but older patients may need to consider factors like bone density and overall health when deciding on the right time for the procedure.

Dental Evaluation

Consultation with a qualified dentist or oral surgeon is crucial to assess individual circumstances and determine the best timing for dental implant placement.

Avoiding Delays

While timing is important, it’s also crucial not to delay the procedure unnecessarily. Missing teeth can lead to bone loss and further dental issues, so getting dental implants promptly after tooth loss is often beneficial.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Ultimately, the best time to get dental implants is when your oral health is stable, any pre-existing dental problems are resolved, and there is sufficient bone density to support the implants. A personalized treatment plan and consultation with a dental professional such as Dr. Ania Mohelicki will help determine the most appropriate timing for dental implant surgery. Schedule an appointment today or call (303) -872-9940.

Signs That Mean Your Child Could Need Orthodontics

OrthodonticsTaking care of your child’s health is a demanding job as a parent. It is easy to overlook or forget how important oral health is to a child’s development. Thankfully, orthodontics can help restore and guide your child’s teeth toward oral success. However, it can be difficult to know if your child needs orthodontics. Here are some common signs that mean your child may need orthodontics.

Protruding Teeth

Protruding teeth are when your child’s teeth are turned slightly outward toward their lips. Protruding teeth appear clustered and often cause an overbite. This means your child’s teeth are likely permanently deformed unless orthodontics is used to correct them. If your child has protruding teeth, it is recommended they see a dentist.

Speech Impediments

A speech impediment is when you are unable to say certain words or syllables in the correct way. This is often because of some form of physical limitation. The structure of your teeth can drastically affect your speech. It is possible that your child’s speech impediment may be caused by their teeth and could be corrected with orthodontics.

Crowded Teeth

Similar to protruding teeth, crowded teeth are clustered together. However, crowded teeth are often crooked and overlap each other. This can cause difficulty eating, talking, and can affect a person’s confidence. Thankfully, orthodontics can assist in correcting crowded teeth.

Late or Early Tooth Loss

Children’s teeth fall out as they age. However, premature or late tooth loss can cause dental issues and different sizes of teeth trying to grow in. This can cause issues with bite, teeth crowding, protruding teeth, crooked teeth, and more. Children begin to lose teeth around age five and should have lost all teeth by age 13. If your child doesn’t fit within that range, it’s recommended that you take them to the dentist to see if orthodontics may be for them.

Orthodontics By Dr. Ania

Your teeth are more than just aesthetically pleasing; they are tools that are essential for your oral health. That’s why Dr. Ania Mohelicki provides orthodontic services for children and adults. Dr. Ania has been in practice for over two decades and brings expertise to every procedure. If your child is showing signs of needing orthodontics, contact Dr. Ania’s office at 303-729-3595 today.