Do I Need a Mouthguard?
Protecting the teeth during sports and physical activities doesn’t have to be a challenge when you invest in a mouthguard. Choosing the right mouthguard is key to the best protection for your teeth. These guards protect the teeth from breaking and being put out of alignment. Some mouthguards even have the potential to improve athletic performance if they are properly designed. Dr. Ania believes Agility Guard is the best sports protection mouthguard for her patients. See what a mouthguard can do for you today and if you should be using one or not.
Mouthguards Protect Your Smile
A mouthguard is a protective device for your mouth that guards and protects your teeth from injury. A mouthguard is not known as a “teethguard” or a “gumguard”. That’s because a mouthguard is meant to protect the teeth, lips, gums and even the arches of your mouth. It tries to protect everything it can, especially when it comes to contact sports such as basketball or soccer.
The American Association of Endodontists tells us that traumatic dental injuries are common occurrences of contact sports. The majority of injuries are chipped teeth. With many dental injuries, a dentist is needed to correct the injury. A mouthguard can protect your teeth from cracking, chipping, fracturing and being knocked out. A lost tooth is the last thing you want when playing sports.
Different Types of Mouthguards
You may think that there are many types of mouthguards because of the variety of shades and shapes they come in, but there are really only 3 types. Those are: stock mouth protectors, boil and bite mouth protectors and custom-fitted mouth protectors. Some guards are used for sports, while others are worn during sleep to protect the teeth from grinding and clenching.
- Stock Mouth Protectors – These are your cheapest option for a mouthguard, but they are cheap for a reason. These protectors can be worn by anyone and can be found in grocery stores, departments stores, and sporting goods stores. They are cheap because they are one-size-fits-all and cannot be customized for you. Dentists do not recommend these protectors because they are generally bulky, make talking (and sometimes breathing) difficult, and actually provide little protection. If a mouthguard does not fit snug with the teeth and gums, you can still receive injuries. Avoid these types of guards.
- Boil and Bite Protectors – These are guards that you can buy in many sporting goods stores. These protectors are similar to stock protectors, but can be fitted to your mouth. They are called “boil and bite” guards because you place the guard in hot water to soften the thermoplastic material. Then you place it in your mouth, bite down, and try to mold it to your teeth. They generally provide a much better grip on your teeth than stock protectors, but don’t fit perfectly.
- Custom-Fitted Protectors – The best way to ensure your mouthguard is snug with your teeth and gums is to have one custom made for your mouth. A custom-fit guard is individually designed to fit your mouth and no one else’s. For example, Dr. Ania would take a mold of your teeth and form a custom mouthguard from the mold. This guard should fit your teeth perfectly and will provide all the protection you need without any wiggle room for injury.
Agility Guard
The agility guard is one such mouthguard that Dr. Ania makes for her active patients who want to protect their mouth. She believes that the agility guard is the best sports protection mouthguard there is. In some studies, the right guard can actually help you improve your athletic performance. Your mouth is protected, helping you be more focused. The coolest part about the agility guard is that world cup champions (such as Katie Uhlaender) use these exact same guards in competitions. Trust what the pros use, and invest in a custom-made guard for your mouth.
Choosing a Guard
If you are in sports or involve yourself in physical activities, you may need a mouthguard. Custom-fit guards such as the agility guard tend to last much longer than generic guards. They also are fit so snug to your teeth that injuries are fairly uncommon while wearing the guard. When choosing any type of mouthguard, you should always make sure it is tear-resistant, durable and comfortable. When it comes to contact sports, we always recommend wearing your guard to protect your smile.
Do You Need a Mouthguard?
If you’ve decided that your oral health would greatly benefit from a mouthguard, then don’t hesitate! Get fitted for a custom mouthguard today and protect your smile from injury. Make an appointment with Dr. Ania now by calling 303-443-0998!